Learn to become a modern Python developer

This learning path will provide you with the foundational skills you need to become a Python web developer. You’ll cover the most popular Python web development frameworks like Django and Flask, working with databases, as well as fundamental front-end coding skills like HTML. Learning Python is essential no matter what Python role you aim to end up in. As mentioned previously, a degree is not required, but many employers prefer candidates with a bachelor’s in computer science or a related field. That said, there are other ways to learn Python and prove your knowledge to potential employers, be it a coding bootcamp, certificate program, or dedicated self-study.

Build Practical Experience

Learn how to use Django and GeoDjango to build a location-based web application from scratch. You’ll be building a simple nearby shops application that lists the shops closest to a user’s location. While Flask provides the essentials to get a web application up and running, it doesn’t force anything upon the developer. This means that many features aren’t included in the core framework…. Do some research, and I’m sure you will find plenty of job opportunities if you are a skilled developer.

Steps to becoming a Python developer

In fact, ~20% of ZTM students are also enrolled at a College or in-person Coding Bootcamp but feel like they just aren’t getting all of the skills and support they need. The ZTM Discord is our exclusive online community for ZTM students, alumni, TAs and instructors. US salary data collected from Indeed, Hired.com, and Web3.career 2024. If you’ve been doing the math along the way, you’ll know that the total time it takes to become a Python developer varies greatly. It may take anywhere from a few months to several years to fully reach your Python developer dreams depending on several factors. Certifications are a great way to stand out to employers, and can even be used as a bargaining chip when it comes time to negotiate or adjust your salary.

Machine Learning

The biggest downside of this option is that you won’t focus on Python exclusively. University degrees give you a much broader education that may include some theoretical concepts that you’d rather skip. Not only that, but the cost of a college degree is much higher than any other option on this list. Let us learn about the various Data Visualization libraries offered by Python.

Master Python Fundamentals

Understanding these frameworks and libraries is critical to speed development and creating efficient and scalable applications. To stay ahead in the ever-changing software development industry, keeping up with new technologies and developing frameworks is necessary. All of these features of python programming increased the interest of many developers to start with python as their first learning language.

  1. Python is a must-have technology for DevOps engineers who manage and automate software deployment.
  2. This course will get you ready to build HTTP APIs with Django REST Framework.
  3. We covered what the steps of the journey look like, how long it will take, what the requirements are, and what you can expect to be paid.
  4. We’ve placed this step after getting real-world experience, but in reality, gaining a certification can be worked into any stage of your plan or even after you’ve landed a job.

Job Responsibilities

Python is considered to work as a server that builds the back end of a website. It has a wide collection of frameworks and libraries which helps in building the application easily and quickly. A web developer is one who works on designing, building, and testing the product. The responsibilities of a software developer are writing, designing, and building software and maintaining communication with teammates. For every domain Python has its frameworks and libraries, you can explore a bit about all of these and finally select your favourite technology to work on. In addition to preparing you for job interviews, joining a coding boot camp helps you build a portfolio containing the projects you worked on.

Price Drop: Learn Python Skills From Novice to Professional for Just $20

Sign up now to get my free guide to teach yourself how to code from scratch. If you are interested in learning tech skills, these tips are perfect for getting started faster. Before you know if, you will have a solid foundation for applying for your first job.

Number of large organizations that have adopted Python as the primary programming language, including Facebook and Netflix. Another option is to pursue one of many Python Programming courses. That way, you’ll develop your portfolio and master Python under the supervision and tutelage of an industry professional who knows exactly what employers are looking for.

But there are some who are declared white-hat as well as black-hat hackers based on their work. If you perform hacking ethically, you’ll be called a white hat or else a black hat. If you’re someone who wants to work in an organization gathering sensitive information about a website, ethical hacking is the career. Ethical Hacking using Python gives you the way to gather sensitive information about a company/organization in a legal manner. The main differences between degree programs and certification programs are time and cost. Only build your brand and online presence in ways that help you get closer to your career goals.

This is because these are some of the places where the job opportunity rate is higher than Jaipur or Ranchi. Therefore, location also plays a significant role in finalizing the pay structure of a python developer. The average salary of a python developer in his/her mid-career with 5-9 years of experience is ₹960,428 per annum. So, let’s get started on this blog on how to become a python developer. We will discuss the skills required, job roles, responsibilities of a Python developer, the average salary of a Python developer, and all the questions that keep popping into your brain. Now that you have all the technical skills necessary to become a Python developer, you need certification.

In this guide, I will help you find the right learning path based on your personal goals. This tool supports renowned frameworks like Flask, https://remotemode.net/ Django, Google App Engine, etc. Further, it offers intuitive auto-completion, PEP8 checks, and other code quality improvement features.

The goal of a Python developer is to ensure full functionality in software. To accomplish this, they carry out several tasks on a regular basis, from testing and debugging to writing code. According to PayScale, the average salary of a Python developer is about $79,395 per annum. This figure equates to $30 per hour, and top-tier Python developers can earn around $107,000 annually. Other required abilities include knowledge of Git, software testing procedures, cloud computing, and experience with deployment platforms such as Docker and Kubernetes. Following that, it is essential to understand functions, which are reusable units of code that accomplish a specified activity.

This next data analyst job requires data science and data engineering skills including descriptive statistics, functional programming, data visualization with D3.js, and more. Also, you need to have 12 months of experience with cleaning, coding, and analyzing complex data files in Python and SQL. This entry level Python developer job requires knowledge in Python libraries, frameworks, and modules. Also, it specifically mentions the Django framework, basic understanding of front-end technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), and more.

This Python Developer Career Path is your step-by-step roadmap to go from beginner (at any age!) to getting hired as a Python Developer. You’ll be guided through our curated curriculum of courses, workshops, challenges, and action items to build your skills, portfolio and experience to become a Python Developer. You might need about two to six months to understand the basics of Python. You can pick up enough to write code for a simple program in just a few minutes—but becoming an expert in Python, especially with its extensive libraries, can take you months or even years. Your education and experience will do wonders for your developing technical skills, but chances are they won’t be comprehensive.

One of the best ways to develop your coding style is to learn from other Python developers. Look at other codes that are similar to your skill level to get an idea of what different styles are out there. Companies also prefer version control systems because they can ensure a particular code writing style is followed throughout the development process. The back end is part of the website where server logic is stored and the data from the web application is processed. For the creation of a full-stack website that can handle server-side logic as well, you can explore back-end frameworks of Python. The frameworks make it very easy to create the back-end architectures.

You might have been thinking about brushing up on your Python skills, or even beginning a new career as a software developer. You’ve also probably got lots of questions you need answered about this popular programming language. From here it’s totally up to you for how you approach this next career journey. Once you have the makings of a plan in place, you can start learning to code. No matter what level of experience you have, Educative offers hands-on courses with built-in coding environments to broaden your technical skills without ever leaving your browser.

Additionally, the hosting is decentralized, which assists in remote research, learning, and development. It is never enough to learn a language; you need to practice with it. Some of the most crucial Python applications are in the fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning. Learn the various algorithms used in these areas and implement projects using them.

How can you get your foot in the door if companies will only hire those with experience? Sometimes you can find someone willing to take a chance on you, but most of the time you’ll have to get experience another way. Although Python comes with its own set of test automation frameworks, for better understanding, a Python developer should be well familiar with this concept. Test Automation enhances your work and as a Python developer is responsible for debugging errors, tools like Selenium, TestComplete, etc will help in increasing efficiency and speed.